Kart Republic: Victory on all fronts for the KR chassis

Kart Republic: Victory on all fronts for the KR chassis Read more

June was a particularly busy month for KR Motorsport and its partner teams, with three major international competitions in less than 30 days. Whether in the Champions of the Future Euro Series, the FIA Karting European Championship or WSK Promotion, victory was on the cards in several categories, with various tyre manufacturers. At Franciacorta, on the opening event of the WSK Euro Series, the Italian brand took victory with Swede Scott Lindblom (Fusion Motorsport) in OK and with Team Driver Racing Kart: Daniel Miron Lorente in Mini Group 3 and Antonio Pizzonia in OK-N Junior.

The winners of the first round of the WSK Euro Series in Franciacorta

The winners of the first round of the WSK Euro Series in Franciacorta Read more

The victory at the Franciacorta Karting Track went to Robertson (MINI U10), Miron Lorente (MINI Gr.3), Pizzonia (OKNJ), Yildirim (OKN), Kamyab (OKJ), and Lindblom (OK). The next round will be in Sarno on September 29th.

The leaders after the heats of the WSK Euro Series in Franciacorta

The leaders after the heats of the WSK Euro Series in Franciacorta Read more

Qualifying heats defined the main contenders for the final stages on Sunday, June 30th. The TV Live Streaming of the Prefinals will start at 9:30, and that of the Finals at 13:20. 

Green lights on the WSK Euro Series for the spectacle in Franciacorta

Green lights on the WSK Euro Series for the spectacle in Franciacorta Read more

The first qualifying heats named the first candidate to the victory after qualifying practice. The final heats will take place on Saturday, June 29th, while the final stages will be on Sunday, June 30th with prefinals and finals.

The pole positions of Franciacorta’s opening round of the WSK Euro Series

The pole positions of Franciacorta’s opening round of the WSK Euro Series Read more

The opener of the WSK Euro Series kicked off with the pole positions going to Molota (OKNJ), Rafalik (OKN), Kamyab (OKJ), Lindblom (OK), Robertson (MINI U10), and Miron (MINI Gr.3). Qualifying heats will follow. Live Streaming coverage of the event stars on Sunday, June 30th at 9:30. 

Big uncertainty in the Finals on Saturday at the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno!

Big uncertainty in the Finals on Saturday at the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno! Read more

With still 140 points up for grabs in the final stages, all can still happen in all the categories.

The initial heats of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno

The initial heats of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno Read more

After the morning qualifying sessions, the first day of competition at the International Circuit Napoli in Sarno continued with the first series of heats in the categories MINI Gr.3, MINI U10, OKJ, OK, OKNJ, and KZ2. The heats will conclude on Friday to determine the finalists who will compete for the category titles on Saturday, with live TV and live streaming coverage.

The WSK Super Master Series titles to be decided in Sarno

The WSK Super Master Series titles to be decided in Sarno Read more

Qualifying practice highlighted the initial protagonists of MINI Gr.3, MINI U10, OKJ, OK, OKNJ and KZ2. The grand finale is on Saturday, March 2nd.  

Rain is the protagonist in the WSK Super Master Series at Cremona Circuit

Rain is the protagonist in the WSK Super Master Series at Cremona Circuit Read more

Qualifying heats on Friday have been spoiled by the rain, but nearly all leaders of qualifying practice confirmed their pace.

The pole positions in the opener of the WSK Super Master Series

The pole positions in the opener of the WSK Super Master Series Read more

The best performances in qualifying practice were set by Costoya in OKJ, Bogdan Cosma Cristofor in OKNJ, Miron Lorente in MINI Gr.3, Nellegard in MINI Gr.3 U10, Denner in KZ2, and Bondarev in OK. Qualifying heats will get underway shortly. The grand finale will take place on Sunday, January 28th with TV Live Streaming coverage.

Podium in OK for CRG at the WSK Open Cup

Podium in OK for CRG at the WSK Open Cup Read more

It has been a positive weekend for the CRG drivers who took part in the WSK Open Cup in Lonato, a single-trial event that opens the end-of-season appointments, where you can already feel that the 2023 season is about to begin, after both the OK and the KZ categories have competed in the FIA ​​World Championships in September.

Kart CRG: Galli and Gomez in the top ten in the FIA World Championship OK

Kart CRG: Galli and Gomez in the top ten in the FIA World Championship OK Read more

The CRG drivers missed out on podium but there was no lack of speed for them while competing in the FIA ​​World Championship OK & OK Junior in Sarno. The most important weekend of the year for the direct drive classes confirmed the competitiveness of the CRG chassis and only a series of unfortunate episodes, decisive in a single round event, deprived the CRG drivers of a more important result.

Brazilian Morgatto and Thailand's Tarnvanichkul crowned World Champions

Brazilian Morgatto and Thailand's Tarnvanichkul crowned World Champions Read more

Matheus Morgatto and Enzo Tarnvanichkul have just made FIA Karting history. It had been 24 years since a Brazilian had won a World Championship and Morgatto deserved his title in OK after a perfect run. On the Italian circuit of Sarno, in the sun, Tarnvanichkul became the first ever Thai World Champion.

CRG at the FIA World Championship OK & OK-Junior with 13 drivers

CRG at the FIA World Championship OK & OK-Junior with 13 drivers Read more

September is the month of the Karting World Championships and after the amazing Le Mans weekend at the beginning of the month, in which CRG won the FIA ​​World Championship KZ and the KZ2 World Cup, this week from 14th to 18th September on the Sarno track will take place the FIA ​​World Championship for the OK & OK Junior direct drive classes. All the best international karting drivers will compete for the titles that can open the doors to motorsport for them and guarantee a very important showcase from a sporting and commercial point of view to chassis and engine manufacturers. 93 drivers in the OK category and 111 in the Junior category will take part in the event, representing 49 different countries.

Kart CRG - Tonteri (KZ) on the podium of the WSK Euro Series

Kart CRG - Tonteri (KZ) on the podium of the WSK Euro Series Read more

The 2nd Round of the WSK Euro Series which took place in Sarno has ended with a podium in KZ for Paavo Tonteri and a positive top ten in OK-Junior for Nikolas Roos. Beyond the sporting results, the weekend was very important for the work carried out, in OK Junior and OK in particular, to prepare for the FIA ​​World Championship, scheduled for September on the same track.

Competitive CRG drivers at the WSK Euro Series in Lonato

Competitive CRG drivers at the WSK Euro Series in Lonato Read more

The 1st Round of the WSK Euro Series which took place in Lonato from 14th to 17th July ended with a positive balance from the performance point of view. In the KZ top class, Jeremy Iglesias won the Pre-Final and started from pole for the Final, finishing the race in P2 after an unlucky start in which he lost 2 positions. On the podium with him was also Viktor Gustafsson, P3 at the finish line in front of Alex Irlando and Jorge Pescador, who finished the race in P4 and P5 completing the parade of CRG drivers in the top positions.

Spectacular races in Lonato open the WSK Euro Series

Spectacular races in Lonato open the WSK Euro Series Read more

The victory of the Finals at the South Garda Karting went to Giuseppe Palomba (KZ2), Kean Nakamura-Berta (OK), Jan Przyrowski (OKJ) and Vladimir Ivannikov (MINI).

All the protagonists of the heats of the WSK Euro Series in Lonato

All the protagonists of the heats of the WSK Euro Series in Lonato Read more

The heats on Saturday named the finalists of the first round of the WSK Euro Series in Lonato. The Live Streaming of the final stages will be on Sunday, July 17.

Great start for the WSK Euro Series in Lonato

Great start for the WSK Euro Series in Lonato Read more

The opening of the WSK Euro Series with qualifying and initial heats is underway. Further heats on Saturday, while the Final stages will be on Sunday, July 17 with Live TV Streaming.

Competitive CRG drivers at Kristianstad in the Euro OK-OKJ

Competitive CRG drivers at Kristianstad in the Euro OK-OKJ Read more

Positive results in both categories (OK and OK-Junior), which were the protagonists of the 3rd Round of the FIA ​​European Championship held in Sweden from 2nd to 5th June. It was especially the Brazilian Olin Galli who stood out from the qualifying practice on the Kristianstad track, with the 22nd overall time, then continuing his qualifying path in the Heat with 2 second places as his best results, which guaranteed him to start from P4 on the starting grid in the Final.

CRG to attend the Euro OK & OKJ with 6 drivers in Kristianstad

CRG to attend the Euro OK & OKJ with 6 drivers in Kristianstad Read more

The 3rd Round of the season of the FIA ​​European Championship OK and OK-Junior will take place from 2nd to 5th June at the Kristianstad track in Sweden. Two weeks ago the same track hosted the two direct drive categories for the Champions of the Future event, which was a great test, just in view of this important meeting this weekend.

In Sweden the CRG Team has prepared for the next round of the Euro OK-OKJ

In Sweden the CRG Team has prepared for the next round of the Euro OK-OKJ Read more

The 3rd round of the Champions of the Future promoted by RGMMC was an opportunity for all the most important teams of the OK and OK-Junior classes to prepare for the next stage of the FIA ​​European Championship OK and OK-Junior, which will take place on the Swedish circuit on June 5th.

The grand finale of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno

The grand finale of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno Read more

The fourth round of the WSK Super Master Series scored another great participation success as over 270 drivers are ready to compete at the International Circuit Napoli. Qualifying heats are underway.  

The show of the third round of the WSK Super Master Series is on at La Conca

The show of the third round of the WSK Super Master Series is on at La Conca Read more

Qualifying practice and the initial heats have been run by the three categories OKJ, OK and MINI. A little bit of rain has made things trickier at the beginning of the weekend. Qualifying heats will continue on Saturday ahead of the final stages on Sunday, March 6th that will be available through the Live Streaming. 

Shakedown for the CRG Racing Team at the WSK Master

Shakedown for the CRG Racing Team at the WSK Master Read more

The 1st round of the WSK Master took place on the Adria circuit, a series on 4 rounds where the CRG Racing Team will compete to prepare for the international season. The goal was a shakedown of the 2020 chassis and especially of the new team in the Mini category, lining up 5 official drivers: Christian Costoya, Samuele Leopardi, Simone Bianco, Scott Lindblom and Nico Lahnalahti. Besides the 5 Mini drivers, two Junior drivers made their debut with the CRG colours as well, the Italian Francesco Marenghi (at his first race in Junior) and the Argentinian Francisco Soldavini.