Energy Corse confirms its competitiveness with another success at Franciacorta

Energy Corse confirms its competitiveness with another success at Franciacorta Read more

A particularly well-represented brand in WSK Promotion events, Energy Corse is also a benchmark karting team with a string of successes year after year and race after race. A brilliant winner of the Mini 60 U10 Final at Franciacorta, Italian Niccolo Perico is the new leader of the WSK Super Master Series.

A great spectacle in Lonato at the first round of the WSK Final Cup

A great spectacle in Lonato at the first round of the WSK Final Cup Read more

The winners of the WSK Final Cup in Lonato are: Zanchi (KZ2), Matveev (OK), Lehtimaki (OKJ), Perico (MINI Gr.3 U10), Blandino (MINI Gr.3), Cosma (X30J) and Albanese (X30S).